Special Olympics Croquet Tournament

    Date Saturday Sep 17, 2022

    Location Ocean House

    Time 9:00am - 4:15pm

    Price Complimentary

    Venue Ocean House Lawn


We’re proud to host the spectacular athletes for the Special Olympics Croquet tournament each year.

The Special Olympics Connecticut Unified Sports® Program brings athletes with and without intellectual disabilities together to train and compete in sports (including Croquet), gain physical fitness, and build friendships. Unified Sports® helps create communities where people of all abilities are included, accepted and respected. 144 athletes and Unified teammates from Special Olympics Connecticut and Special Olympics Rhode Island are expected to compete throughout the weekend.

Also joining us will be award-winning fine artist and illustrator, Teek Eaton-Koch, who will be paining en plein air on the Ocean House grounds on both Saturday and Sunday.

Spectators welcome, no reservations required.

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