Yankee Magazine Artisan in Residence: Wooden Bird Sculpting Workshop with Peter Bowe

    Date Saturday Nov 13, 2021

    Location Ocean House

    Time 9:00am - 11:00am

    Price $95/person
    (plus taxes and fees)

    Venue Ocean House Drawing Room


Sculpting Wooden Birds with Artisan in Residence: Peter Bowe

Join Peter Bowe, nationally celebrated sculptor, for a fascinating woodworking workshop and learn techniques for creating your own masterpiece!

9 to 11 a.m.: Choose a pre-carved bird of choice: sandpiper, oyster catcher or piping plover; sand and shape, add glass eyes and bill- learn wood carving tools and techniques.

1 to 3 p.m.: Paint your chosen bird and mount on a stand.

Ages 15 and up only.

Reservations are required.


About Peter Bowe:

Peter is a wildlife sculptor who specializes in birds and marine mammals. He completed a B S in biology from Kansas State University and an MS in Pathobiology from the University of Connecticut. He has worked as an artist for 45 years. His initial training was in disease research at the Department of Pathobiology & Northeast Center for Wildlife Diseases at the UCONN. It was during this time that his interest in wildlife art began to blossom. Science and art both involve investigation and communication of ideas.

After completing his research, he devoted the next 12 years to developing his sculpting style. During this time, he realized the importance of art as means sharing ideas on environmental education. In 1993 he returned to the classroom to teach chemistry and has served as a science coordinator for Madison CT and Stratford CT. Peter’s scientific background coupled with his artistic sensibility give his sculpture precision and a particular intimacy. Peter works in three distinct styles: representational bird carvings; traditional decoys and stylized realism. His media are wood, bronze castings and stone.

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