Movie Night: Little Miss Broadway

    Date Sunday Aug 29, 2021

    Location Ocean House

    Time 6:00pm - 9:00pm

    Price $15/ person
    children age 3 and under are free
    (plus tax & gratuity)

    Venue Screening Room


Movie Night: Shirley Temple Movies – Little Miss Broadway

Parentless Betsy Brown escapes orphanage life with the help of her uncle “Pop” Shea and goes to live with him at the Hotel Variety, a boarding house he runs for performers. Betsy fits right in with the zany tenants, but the landlady, Sarah Wendling, who lives just next door, wants to evict her noisy neighbors. When Betsy is then sent back to the orphanage, Sarah’s nephew Roger concocts a plan to rescue Betsy and the hotel.

Discover a luxurious viewing experience in Ocean House’s Screening Room. Enjoy this film in the comfort of our plush theater seating, along with freshly popped popcorn, gelato and an assortment of bite-size candy.

Please note, tickets purchased for this event are non-refundable.