Artisan in Residence: Up Close & Personal with a Wine & Cheese Reception

    Date Sunday Apr 14, 2019

    Location Ocean House

    Time 2:00pm - 4:30pm

    Price Complimentary

    Venue Old School House


Artisan in Residence: Michael Gabrielle

Michael Gabrielle will take you behind-the-scenes of his artistic process and discuss the history of macramé, as well as his journey becoming an artist: growing up in Westerly and his visual arts studies at Brown University. In addition, Mr. Gabrielle will talk about his work as the program director for an expressive arts studio, where the focus is on improved mental health, wellness for children and adults, and using art to help people feel better. Large scale installations and public art are part of his expression, which will also be covered during this session. Examples of his artwork will be present to view. Immediately following will be a wine and cheese reception.

Reservations are suggested. Please call 401.584.7000 to reserve your spot.